CHARIAD Competes & Succeeds as a Team

The CHARIAD crew is a highly competitive racing team. We compete to win. And we also strive to a have a fun, collaborative, and supportive experience on the water.

Teamwork is essential. We practice, cross train, and support each other to become competent in our job in all race and weather conditions. Commitment and a willingness to learn are more important than being a sailing star.

If you want to be part of the CHARIAD crew, let’s talk. Contact Rick.


Crewing Opportunities

CHARIAD usually races with ten crew members. Each crew member is making a commitment to the team and the boat to become proficient in their position on the boat and to sail a significant number of races over the season.


  • Crew members know their race commitments well in advance.

  • At the beginning of the season, our full schedule is posted on the TeamSnap platform. Each crew member identifies the races to which they can commit.

  • From these schedules the Crew Coordinator selects a crew for each race.

  • A crew schedule is set up for the season.

Things You Need to Know

  • “On Dock Time”. Time to be at the dock, ready to go… Lunch, coffee, etc. in hand.

  • Don’t bring extra gear, food, or “Beer for the boat”, etc.

  • CHARIAD is a non-smoking space.

  • A PFD (Personal Flotation Device) must be worn.

  • Safety harness, personal light and whistle must be worn on overnight races.

Racing on CHARIAD has taught me the skills to be a better sailor but also the confidence to lead teams and overcome obstacles in my professional life. I enjoy racing to win, but also having fun on and off the boat—and CHARIAD provides plenty of opportunities for all of that!

Chris Hardy

I always appreciate Rick Williams’s ability to teach less experienced crew the nuances of racing. CHARIAD is a technical boat that requires many hands to sail well. I enjoy the range of age and experience found among the crew, and that critical roles are played by women.

Mary Hennessey

My sailing memories won’t go anywhere, and I truly miss my time on CHARIAD.

Marek Horak, former crew, Czeck Republic